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Operation Varsity: D-0 (Battle for the Rhine)

Event details

Background Information

Operation Varsity is the airborne operation that falls under Operation Plunder, an assault to cross the northern Rhine River and enter Northern Germany. Operation Varsity is designed to help the surface river assault troops secure a foothold across the Rhine River in Western Germany by landing the 6th British Airborne Division, and the 101st Airborne Division (A-Historical) on the eastern bank of the Rhine, near the town of Wesel. The main objectives are to capture the town, artillery positions and the bridges as the river assault troops make their move.

Additional Mods

No additional mods will be required for this event.

Additional Information

Please make sure to contact your squad leader on any extra equipment you may able to bring/switch out. Due to the late-war nature of the drop, M1919A6s and M1A1 Bazookas will be in abundance.

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