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Custom Face Requests - Requirements & Conditions

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Face Requests - Foreword & Statement

The 101st Airborne Division gives decorated individuals the ability to request a customized faceupon meeting certain requirements (and if their request meets the conditions) that are laid out by the unit. This gives some extra personality to the unit and something for each member to be proud of, this by extension is a lot of work for the unit developers, so please be considerate in timing, requests and expectations. We will work as hard as we can to make your dream a reality.

Face Requests - Requirements 

Requestees must reach the following prerequisites in order to qualify for a face, if the request does not meet it, it will be denied and will require resubmission. 


  • Currently subscribed on Patreon with a 'First War Loan Bond' for a month.


Face Requests - Conditions

Once a requestee meets the prerequisites, they can submit the template below, but you must first consider some conditions of submitting your request. We are historically based, and would like to stray away from memes or offensive takes.


  • No offensive language for tattoos
    • Curse words may be used on tattoos, but offensive terms must be left out. (Historically "softer" terms such as Jap, Kraut and what not may be allowed. Usage of zipperhead, gook, etc. is not allowed.)
  • No offensive imagery for tattoos
    • Defined as crude imagery depicting violent actions against persons or groups that are not historical or cartoonish in nature. (Stabbing a German with a bayonet, hanging a Japanese soldier, etc)
  • Faces must be clearly defined and clearly capable of being done. We will not accept a picture of Ryan Gosling as a submission, for example.
  • Custom FACES, are only FACES. We are incapable of doing tattoos or coloring on other body parts without having direct access to the ArmA model and that is unlikely to become a priority.
  • You will only receive a face update if you remain a Patreon under 'First War Loan Bond'


These conditions are subject to change.


Face Requests - Template

Once a requestee meets the prerequisites, they can submit the template below.



Service Name: Charles Henderson
Rank: First Lieutenant

Type of Faces(s): Please use the following link as reference: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z59i50j0XgWQva_4QXeb0ClXpQqUZ2q5

Requested Imagery #1:
Requested Imagery #2:
Requested Imagery #3:
Requested Imagery #4:


Once your request has been submitted, it will be reviewed by staff/developers to see if it fits pre-requisites

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