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Staff Openings

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August 24th

To all whom are interested,

Recently there has been several openings created within the unit Staff Shops. Being in an s-shop role grants a faster track to promotion, leadership and tertiary roles. Taking the initiative and helping the community is something everyone can appreciate, the workload is vast for all of us but with a few more helping hands we can get it sorted. Here's what's open:

S-2 - Operations & Intelligence
     • 1x Electronic Maintenance Chief (Gamemaster/Mission Maker)
Charged with developing missions, utilizing unit templates and scripts to proliferate missions that have depth, role-play elements and provide an excellent World War II combat experience, or something of the mission makers choice. This job involves a lot of teamwork, problem solving and learning the backends of ArmA.

S-3 - Force Improvement Group
     • 1x Junior Drill Instructor
The Drill Instructor is one of the most vital roles in the community, playing a part in tailoring new members of the community to the standards necessary to fulfill the statement of "historical-realism" and fast track them with the skills they need to operate appropriately. This job involves a lot more interactive work with trainees in the community and requires attention to detail, the ability to recall information quickly and be creative with teaching.

S-4 - Logistics, Multimedia, Corps of Engineers
     • 3x PERSCOM Maintenance Specialist
PERSCOM Maintenance Specialists take care of the back end paperwork and management of the unit. You received an award, combat record or service who did it? These guys are the ones doing it. They make the most promotion points out of all s-shops here consistently for their dutiful dedication to organization, record keeping and management.
     • 1x Multimedia Specialist
The multimedia specialist is responsible for the development of imagery for the unit, whether they be for mission aerial photography, operation instruction maps, in-game photos/videos... that's up to the specialist! This job is the most creative and least demanding of them all. Requires photoshop or the will to acquire it.
     • 1x Uniform Production Specialist
The uniform production specialist takes care of tailoring all of the lovely uniforms and shiny awards the adorn them on PERSCOM. After each promotion ceremony, the assigned teams are sorted and go to work sewing on new chevrons, pinning new medals and adorning awards as necessary. This is similar to Multimedia specialist but has more structure.

To sign up for any of these Staff Shops  Click Here.

T/Sgt. James Randazzo
Platoon Sergeant, 1/H/3/502ndPIR

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