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Mod Request - Baker #005

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Service Name: Linus Baker
Suggestion or Curation: Vcom AI

Link: (Suggestion Only) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=721359761
Description & Why: AI Modification: Faster, Smarter, and Deadlier AI.
Adds a lot of features and updates to the Arma AI. Its debateable if all of them are good or work properly, but from what I read and experienced it, its great.
This could also help with reducing the amount of enemy AI we need to place and therefore changes the balancing a bit. Either making our missions more challenging due to the AI being better or having less but smarter enemies so its a more realistic feel. In addition, less AI reduces lag.
It should be useable together with LAMBS (correct me if im wrong).

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